SRM4010 - DC C...

  • 2022-09-24 23:20:14

SRM4010 - DC Converter

This module is a complete SRM4010 solution implementing very high efficiency synchronous rectification and eliminates many of the problems with the selfdriven approach. The module connects to the transformer secondary of the forward converter to provide full high current at rectified output voltages ranging from 5 volts to 1.0 volts down, in a thermally efficient surface mount package. Rectification efficiency up to 95% is achieved to avoid cross conduction. Dedicated ICs provide efficient gate drive for the MOSFET modules used in ultra-low RDS(ON). As traditional self-driving approaches, MOSFET driving ends as soon as the power transformer completes reset. This will result in a reduction in the added duty cycle penalty. The control circuit of the SRM4010 either the forward or the driver yields almost the entire MOSFET duty cycle. There is only a small predicted time, typically 100 ns, to avoid cross-conduction. The SRM4010 is designed to handle large duty cycle sudden changes. This makes the module suitable for current-mode control applications with large load changes, where high bandwidth is necessary. Proprietary prediction circuitry eliminates cross-conduction for sudden large changes in pulse width. The module is self-powered from the transformer secondary winding and operates over a wide range of peak voltages and PWM transformer frequencies. A 5V linear regulator can also be used as a feedback for other secondary power supply circuits such as optocouplers. In very low voltage applications where the peak voltage of the transformer is not high enough to power the module, secondary power can be supplied to the regulator from an additional transformer winding. The high current surface mount package features low inductance, and strong termination for excellent management and low noise sensitivity at high load current transients. The module has an isolated base that is directly packaged with a printed circuit board design with mounting terminals formed inside. The base module is allowed to thermally dissipate by PCB etching, or mechanically sink through the PCB for higher accessory power applications. ...

Key Features Easy-to-use surface mount solution up to 40A
Efficiency drops from 5V to 1V at very high rectified output voltages
Integrated solution Fewer external parts saves board space Robust copper clad backplane provides efficient heat distribution
5 volt linear regulator supplied to power system secondary circuit suitable for converter operation at light load with parallel avoidance of problems Simple plague self-driven scheme operating at PWM frequencies from 200 to 400kHz