2022-09-24 23:21:22
SI9910-Adaptive Power MOSFET Driver1
Described as a power MOSFET driver, the Si9910 provides optimized gate drive signals, protection circuits and logic level interfaces. Very low quiescent current is provided by a CMOS buffer and a high current emitter follower output stage. This high efficiency allows operation in high voltage applications with bridge "bootstrap" or "charge pump" floating power technology. The non-inverting output current minimizes the configuration drain for an N-channel "state". The logic inputs are internally diode clamped, allowing for simple pull-up of the high-side driver. Fault protection circuitry detects undervoltage or output short-circuit conditions and disables the power MOSFETs. The maximum limit of an external resistor increases the di/dt of the external power MOSFET. A fast feedback circuit can be used to limit shoot-through current in a community recommended trust (diode reverse recovery time) in a bridge configuration. The Si9910 is available in 8-pin plastic DIP and SOIC packages and operates over the industrial, D suffix (Bilge to 85°C) temperature range. Adopt SOIC-8 package two standard and lead (Pb) free, can choose freely. ...
Control of dv/dt and di/dt Undervoltage protection Short circuit protection Community recommended Trust shoot-through current limit Low quiescent current
CMOS Compatible Inputs Suitable for Wide Range of MOSFET Device Boot and Charge Pump Compatible (High-Side Drivers)