
  • 2022-09-24 23:21:22

CS2001YDWF20-Analog Integrated Circuit


CS2001 is an intelligent power ASIC for airbag systems used in automobiles. It contains a current mode switching regulator with a 1.2 A on-chip switch and a 5.0 volt, 100 mA linear regulator. The ESR of the linear output capacitor must be in the greater range of MF or 3.3100 mW If the ESR capped to 1.0 watt is less than 100 mW, a series resistor must be used. The switcher can be configured in either a push or flyback topology. The boost topology produces an energy reserve VER that is externally adjustable (up to 25 volts) connected to the VFB pin through a resistive divider. In the event of a failure event vibrating fluid bed production conditions or open or short circuit, the converter is turned off. Under normal operating conditions (VBAT > 8.0 V), the current on the linear regulator is loaded directly through VBAT. Low battery or battery condition is a loss of switching linear regulated power supply from VBAT to version and off switch using the ASIC's internal "smartswitch." This switching function minimizes power supply linearity and switching losses in both output devices, Save the cost of using larger inductors. The NED (no energy reserve detection) pin is a dual function output. If VOUT is not in regulation, it provides a power-on reset function with an external adjustable capacitor interval. This time interval can be seen on the RESETB pin, which enables clean power and power down the microprocessor. Once VOUT is (in regulation, the nerd usually logic level output is low) it indicates to the microprocessor whether the VER pin is connected. The triplet of the switched capacitor voltage VER accepts the input voltage and produces an output voltage VCHG (usually vinyl + 8.0 V). This voltage is used by the system to drive the high-side FET. This part can withstand 50 V peak transients. The linear regulator will not shut down during this event.

Features • Linear Regulator 5.0 V ± 2% @ 100 mA • Switching Regulator 1.2 Peak Intra-Switch • Voltage Tripler • Smart Functions
- reset
- Energy Reserve Status•Protection
- overheating
- Current limit
- 50 V peak transient capability • Internally fused, leaded in SO-20L package