L387 - very low dro...

  • 2022-09-24 23:24:28

L387 - very low dropout 5V regulator with reset

.PRECISEOUTPUT Voltage (5 V ±4%)
.Very LOWDROPOUT voltage
.The output current is 500mA when power-on, the power-off information is excessive (reset function), the power-on reset delay is high, and the anti-interference is high.

The L387A is a very low dropout voltage regulator in a Pentawatt[package specifically designed to provide a regulated 5V power supply for consumer and industrial applications. With its extremely low input/thank output voltage drop this device is very useful in battery powered equipment, reducing consumption and extending battery life. The reset output makes the L387A particularly suitable for microprocessor systems. This output provides a reset signal on power-up (with an externally programmable delay) and power-off when it goes low, inhibiting the microprocessor. A power-on-reset delay capacitor hysteresis induces immunity to ground noise.