
  • 2022-09-24 23:33:15


ZiLOG's serial communication controller, the Z85C30 SCC, is a pin- and software-compatible CMOS member of the SCC family introduced by ZiLOG in 1981. This is a dual-channel, multi-protocol data communication peripheral that easily connects to the CPU's non-multiplexed address/data bus. Advanced CMOS process provides lower power consumption, higher performance, and superior noise immunity. The internal programming flexibility of the SCC is configured to meet a wide range of registers allowing a variety of serial communication applications. Numerous on-chip functions such as baud rate generator, digital phase locked loop and crystal oscillator significantly reduce the need for external logic circuits. Additional features including a 10x19-bit status FIFO and 14-bit byte counter were added to support high-speed SDLC transfers using the DMA controller. SCC handles asynchronous formats, synchronous such as IBM dual-sync, and synchronous byte-oriented protocols such as HDLC and IBM SDLC's bit-oriented protocols. This versatile device supports almost any serial data transfer application (tape, floppy disk, tape drive, etc.) The device can generate and check any CRC code and can be programmed to synchronize mode and check data integrity in different modes sex. The SCC also has facilities for modem control in both channels. In practice these controls are not necessary, modem controls can be used for general purpose I/O.