2022-09-24 23:33:15
BU95306-6-bit RSDS source driver
Drivers for Large LCD Panels -- 6-bit RSDS Source Driver ● Introduction ROHMLCD Drivers for Large Panel Display Drivers, large size LCDs are optimized for a variety of applications, including desktop computers, notebook computers and TVs. A wide lineup is available in the Low Amplitude Differential Transmission Interface Type (RSDSTM) with low EMI, 6-bit level accuracy, wide compatibility and different output configurations (642).
1) 600/618/630/642 output channels
2) 6-bit 9pair RSDSTM input
3) DOT&N line inversion
4) Built-in 2CH maintenance amplifier
5) gamma correction is possible
6) Built-in input data, reverse function (INV)
7) Output voltage range: AVSS0.1V~AVDD- 0.1V
8) High-speed data transmission: FCLK(MAX)=85MHz.
9) Logic power supply voltage (DVDD): 2.3~3.6V
10) Power supply voltage (AVDD) of the driver: 8.0~13.5V
11) Packaging: COF48
TFT LCD panel